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- Selected Publications

Professor, Chemical Physics and Theoretical Chemistry, University of Parma
Ph.D. – University of Parma
Contributions to Gaussian:
Analytical derivatives theory for the Polarizable Continuum Model (PCM)
Research Interests
- Development of coupled-cluster level theories for analytical derivatives and molecular response functions of molecules in solution described with the Polarizable Continuum Model.
- New computational methods for the study of molecular properties and molecular processes at high pressure (of the order of GPa).
- Cavity field effects for chiroptical response functions of molecules in solution.
- Solvation thermodynamics.
- Cammi, R., “Recent Advances in the Coupled-Cluster Analytical Derivatives Theory for Molecules in Solution Described Within the Polarizable Continuum Model (PCM) Method” Advances in Quantum Chemistry Vol. 64 (Academic Press, 2012).
- Cammi, R., and Tomasi, J., “Quantum Cluster Theory for the Polarizable Continuum Model (PCM)” Handbook of Computational Chemistry (Springer, 2012).
- Cammi, R., “Coupled-cluster theory for the polarizable continuum model. III. A response theory for molecules in solution” Int. J. Quant. Chem. 112 (2012) 2547.
- Pipolo, S.,Cammi, R., Rizzo, A., Cappelli, C., Mennucci, B., Tomasi, J., “Cavity Field Effects Within a Polarizable Continuum Model of Solvation: Application to the Calculation of Electronic Circular Dichroism Spectra of R-(+)-3-Methyl-cyclopentanone” Int. J. Quant. Chem. 111 (2011) 826.
- Pipolo, S., Percudani, R., Cammi, R., “Absolute stereochemistry and preferred conformations of urate degradation intermediates from computed and experimental circular dichroism spectra” Org. & Biomol. Chem. 9 (2011) 5149.
- Fukuda, R., Ehara, M., Nakatsuji, H., Cammi, R., “Nonequilibrium solvation for vertical photoemission and photoabsorption processes using the symmetry-adapted cluster-configuration interaction method in the polarizable continuum model” J. Chem. Phys. 134 (2011) 104109.
- Cammi, R., “Coupled-Cluster Theories for the Polarizable Continuum Model. II. Analytical Gradients for Excited States of Molecular Solutes by the Equation of Motion Coupled-Cluster Method” Int. J. Quant. Chem. 110 (2010) 3040.
- Cammi, R., Fukuda, R., Ehara, M., Nakatsuji, H., “Symmetry-adapted cluster and symmetry-adapted cluster-configuration interaction method in the polarizable continuum model: Theory of the solvent effect on the electronic excitation of molecules in solution” J. Chem. Phys. 133 (2010) 024104.
- Cammi, R., “Quantum cluster theory for the polarizable continuum model. I. The CCSD level with analytical first and second derivatives” J. Chem. Phys. 131 (2009) 164104.
- Cammi, R., Verdolino, V., Mennucci, B., Tomasi, J., “Towards the elaboration of a QM method to describe molecular solutes under the effect of a very high pressure” Chem. Phys. 344 (2008) 135.
- Verdolino, V., Cammi, R., Munk, B.H., Schlegel, H. B., “Calculation of pK(a) Values of Nucleobases and the Guanine Oxidation Products Guanidinohydantoin and Spiroiminodihydantoin using Density Functional Theory and a Polarizable Continuum Model” J. Phys. Chem. B, 112 (2008) 16860.
- Cammi, R., Mennucci, B., Tomasi, J., “Nuclear magnetic shieldings in solution: gauge invariant atomic orbitals calculation using the polarizable continuum model” J. Chem. Phys. 110 (1999) 7627.
- Cammi, R., Mennucci, B., “The linear response theory within the polarizable continuum model” J.Chem. Phys. 110 (1999) 9877.
- Cammi, R., Mennucci, B., Tomasi, J., “Second-Order Moller-Plesset Analytical Derivatives for the Polarizable Continuum Model Using the Relaxed Density Approach” J. Phys. Chem. A, 103(1999) 9100.
- Cammi, R., “Hartree-Fock calculation of magnetic properties of molecular solutes” J. Chem. Phys. 109 (1998) 3185.
- Cammi, R., Cossi, M., Mennucci, B., Tomasi, J., “Analytical Hartree-Fock calculation of the dynamical polarizabilities α, β, and γ of molecules in solution” J. Chem. Phys. 105 (1996) 10556.
Last update: 10 August 2016