Overlay 8
Whether to pseudo-canonicalize ROHF orbitals.
-2 | Yes, and save over canonical MOs setting ILSW for UHF. |
-1 | Yes. |
0 | Default (Yes if ROHF). |
1 | No. |
Bucket selection.
0 | Buckets for MP2: (IA/JB). |
1 | Buckets for stability: (IA/JB), (IJ/AB). |
2 | Buckets for CID or MP3: (IJ/AB), (IA/JB), (IJ/KL). |
3 | Buckets for semi-direct MP4DQ, CISD, QCISD, BD: (IJ/AB), (IA/JB), (IK/KL), (IJ/KA). |
4 | CISD or MP4SDQ or MP4SDTQ, but includes (IA/BC). |
5 | The complete set of transformed integrals. |
6 | Full transformation if this is consistent with MaxDisk, otherwise same as 3. |
7 | Full transformation if this is consistent with MaxDisk, otherwise same as 4. |
SCF convergence test.
0 | Test that SCF has converged. |
1 | Do not test SCF convergence (mainly used for testing). |
L811: Whether to delete MO integrals.
0 | Default (No). |
1 | Yes. |
2 | No. |
L802: Debug control.
0 | Operate normally. |
-N | Force N orbitals per pass. |
L804: Direct Transformation Control.
0 | Operate normally. |
1 | Generate and test RInt3 array (L804). |
2 | Accumulate MP2 force constant terms in direct fashion. |
3 | Write the MO basis first derivative ERI’s to disk. |
10 | Force fully in-Core algorithm (L804 only). |
20 | Force transformed integrals in Core algorithm. |
30 | Force semi-direct transformation. |
100 | Force output bucket in Core anti-symmetrization. |
200 | Force sorting for output bucks. |
1000 | Force semi-direct mode 1. |
2000 | Force semi-direct mode 2. |
3000 | Force semi-direct mode 3 if IOp(8/6)=3. |
4000 | Force semi-direct mode 4 if IOp(8/6)=3. |
00000 | Default (10000). |
10000 | Do not symmetry compress transformed integrals. |
20000 | Do symmetry compress transformed integrals (buckets) (This will cause windowed MOs, reordered in the order of representations like occ-rep1,occ-rep2,… virt-rep1,virt-rep2,… eigenvalues and symm. assignment vectors will be put in correspondence with vectors. VGZ). |
30000 | Symmetry compress transformed integrals only if RHF. (Upper triangle of symmetry compressed integrals for IOp(8/6)=5 or 4 only! (VGZ)). |
40000 | Store buckets of single-bar integrals, not symmetry compressed. |
100000 | Reorder MOs, eigenvalues and symmetry assignment vectors according to the representations. |
Window is selected as follows:
-N | Use the top N occupieds and lowest N virtuals. |
0 | Default, same as 4. |
N | 1 ≤ N ≤ 89 selects frozen-core type N. |
1 | The largest noble gas core is frozen. |
2 | G2 frozen-core: the largest noble gas core and main group d orbitals are frozen, except that the outer sp electrons of 3rd row and later alkali and alkali earth elements are retained. |
3 | The next to the largest noble gas core is frozen. |
4 | The largest noble gas core and main group d’s are frozen. |
5 | G3 frozen-core: the largest noble gas core is frozen, except that the outer sp electrons of 3rd row and later alkali and alkali earth elements are retained. |
6 | G4 frozen-core: the largest noble gas core is frozen, except that the outer sp electrons of 2nd row and later alkali and alkali earth elements are retained. For basis sets with double-zeta cores, core virtuals are also frozen. |
7 | CBS-Wes core: noble gas except 3sp valence K-Zn, 3d valence Ga-As. |
90 | Use all MOs. |
91 | The window is specified by IOp(8/37-38). If IOp(8/37) is 0, a card is read in indicating the start and the end. A negative value for the end deletes the top virtuals. |
92 | The window is recovered from RWF 569. |
93 | The window is recovered from file 569 on the checkpoint file. |
94 | Read a list of orbitals to freeze. |
000 | Default (200). |
10x | Use orbital energies to choose core orbitals. |
20x | Use overlap with atomic core orbitals from Harris to choose core orbitals. |
30x | Use overlap with atomic core orbitals from Core Ham to choose core orbitals. |
MO coefficient, orbital energy, and number of electrons test.
0 | Default, same as 2 except for during BD iterations or BD=Read. |
1 | Just print a warning message. |
2 | Kill the job if any MO coefficients are greater than 1000.0 or the smallest difference between occupied and virtual orbital energies is less than 0.001. Also, kill a frozen-core job if there is significant core-valence mixing in the canonical orbitals. |
00 | Default, same as 10. |
10 | Suppress such a test (CPHF may still be done for such a case). |
20 | Kill the job if there is no corr. energy; e.g., if there is only 1 electron or 1 virtual spin-orbital. |
L811: Maximum number of orbitals per pass (only if integral derivative file is being written). Default is as many as fit with Max Disk.
L811: Which type of derivative transformation to do.
0 | Default, same as 3. |
1 | Non-canonical, Uij,x = -1/2 Sij,x. |
2 | Canonical, Uij,x = (Fij,x – EjSij,x) / (Ei-Ej) Note that this blows up for degenerate orbitals and is intended primarily for debugging. |
3 | Non-canonical, Uij,x = -1/2 Sij,x, except canonical in frozen-active blocks. |
4 | Non-canonical, Uij,x = -Sij,x Uji,x = 0. |
5 | Canonical occupieds, Uab,x = -Sab,x/2. |
6 | Canonical virtuals, Uij,x = -Sij,x/2. |
L811: The nature of the perturbation(s).
0 | Default (1st order nuclear and electric field). |
IJK | Nuclear Kth order. Electric field Jth order. Magnetic field Ith order. |
L811: Which terms to include.
0 | Default (same as 11). |
1 | MO derivative times integral term. |
10 | MO times integral derivative term. |
L811: Algorithm control.
0 | Default (32). |
1 | Unused. |
2 | Accumulate MP2 force constant terms in direct fashion. |
3 | Write the MO basis first derivative ERI’s to disk. |
20 | Force fully direct. |
30 | Force semi-direct. |
Whether to try to transform old amplitudes on the checkpoint file.
0 | Default: 1 if doing BD=Read and amplitudes are present; 2 otherwise. |
1 | Yes. |
2 | No. |
10 | Transform Z-amplitudes as well. |
20 | Do not transform Z-amplitudes as well. |
000 | Default, transform EOM amplitudes if transforming ground-state ones. |
100 | Transform EOM amplitudes. |
200 | Do not transform EOM amplitudes. |
L921, L922: Hack number of occupieds for full CI.
-1 | Transform all orbitals (after freezing core) as occupieds (i.e., set NOA=NOB=NROrb in transformation). |
0 | No. |
N | Transform N orbitals (after frozen core) as occupieds (i.e., set NOA=NOB=N for purposes of transformation). |
L811: Requested diskusage. This will determine the number of times AO integrals and derivatives are evaluated unless overridden by IOp(8/31). This only applies if the integral derivatives are not stored.
-3 | Use as much as desired, independent of MAXDISK. |
-2 | Use an amount which is similar to the maximum disk usage in other parts of the MP2 freq. code. |
-1 | Use as much as needed for maximum efficiency, subject to the limit imposed by MAXDISK. |
0 | Default (-1). |
N | N evaluations and hence N coarse tiled batches (1…6 are the currently implemented options). |
Type of window.
0 | Default. Set up /Orb/ as indicated by IOp(8/10). |
1 | Test window. Set up for full but zero core MOs. |
-1 | Set up /Orb/ for a full window but then blank the wavefunction coefficients in L804. |
Whether to update force constants with the MP2 product of MP2 integral derivatives term (only applies if integral derivative file is not written).
0 | Default (Yes). |
1 | Yes. |
2 | No. |
00 | Default on whether to make Poo and Pvv for MP2. (Yes if Ix is not stored, no otherwise). |
10 | Yes. |
20 | No. |
Integer specifying first window parameter (n).
Integer specifying second window parameter (m).
Localized orbital method adopted in SAC/SAC-CI.
0 | Default. No localization. |
1 | Boys method. |
2 | Population method. |
3 | Boys + population method. |
Handling of ROHF window.
0 | Default (2). |
1 | Use ROMP2 approach, forming pseudo-canonical alpha and beta orbitals and doing UHF transformation. |
2 | Treat as RHF, transforming only alpha orbitals. |
Transformation of spin-orbitals (alpha only) within occupied and unoccupied orbital subspaces by minimum orbital-deformation (MOD) method.
0 | Default. No. |
1 | No, but save MOs. |
2 | Yes. Take reference MOs from disk if available. |
3 | No for the 1st geometry of opt, yes otherwise. |
Whether to reorder MOs during potential surface exploration.
0 | No. |
1 | Yes. |
2 | Yes (for SAC-CI single point calculation). |
00 | Use orbital energies in ordering. |
10 | Don’t use orbital energies in ordering. |
000 | Use second moments in ordering. |
100 | Don’t use second moments in ordering. |
0000 | Use dipole moments in ordering. |
1000 | Don’t use dipole moments in ordering. |
Indicates special case of non-HF calculation.
0 | Default – MOs are canonical HF orbitals. |
1 | Input orbitals are not canonical HF and pseudo-canonical orbitals must be generated here for the post-SCF. |
10 | Generate HF pseudo-canonical even if the original SCF method was not (i.e., Kohn-Sham). |
Whether L804/L811 should generate results compressed over active atoms.
0 | Default (2). |
1 | Active atoms. |
2 | Full list. |
3 | Full list, but blank contributions from inactive atoms (no difference from 2 for overlay 8). |
4 | Active atoms, and store Hessian contributions over active atoms only. |
Over-ride standard values of IRadAn, IRanWt, and IRanGd. For DFTCV, IRadAn defaults to 299974 rather than the global default.
0 | No EOM. |
1 | Do EOM with the default algorithm (right and left spaces separately). |
11 | Do EOM doing only the transition energy (right space). |
21 | Do EOM doing right and left eigenvectors using the same expansion space for both. |
31 | Do EOM doing right and left eigenvectors using biorthogonal expansion spaces. |
EOM: Number of states per irreducible representation (largest Abelian subgroup) to do.
0 | Default (2). |
N | N per irreducible representation. |
-1 | Read the number for each irreducible representation, all from one line. |
The order of irreducible representations is the same as printed for symmetry-adapted basis functions by L301.
Accuracy of integrals.
0 | Default (12). |
N | 10-N. |
Convergence of amplitudes for EOM iterations.
0 | Default (1.d-5). |
N | 10-N. |
Number of EOM states for LR transition densities.
0 | Default (None). |
-1 | All. |
N | First N of each symmetry. |
EOM state of most interest.
0 | Default (1st excited state). |
N | Nthexcited state. |
EOM-CCSD: Total number of states to do. Guesses are taken from the checkpoint file if RdAmp was specified, with remaining states taken from the CIS guess in CIS energy order.
0 | Default (2*NIrrep) |
IFact for Davidson in EOM-CC.
State-to-State transition dipoles in EOM-CC:
0 | None. |
1 | From state NRoot to higher states. |
2 | From state NRoot to higher and lower states. |
MaxIt for EOM.
MaxMin for EOM.
WhenSc for EOM.
IRdLft for EOM.
IFirst for EOM.
Compute DFT estimate of core-core and core-valence correlation?
0 | Default. |
1 | Yes. |
2 | No. |
10 | Include empirical corrections for total energies. |
20 | Do not include empirical corrections. |
The default is not to compute the correction, and if the correction is requested, to include the total energy terms only for CBS-Wes style frozen-core (the only case for which they have been determined). Corrections are only included for elements H-Ar.
Flag for SOS in EOM.
Last updated on: 21 October 2016. [G16 Rev. C.01]