Overlay 7
Use of internal coordinates.
0 | Yes. |
1 | No. |
2 | Yes, but neglect first derivatives in conversion of second derivatives to internal coordinates. |
Harmonic frequency calculation.
0 | Default (10003). |
1 | Yes, with most common isotopes. |
2 | Yes, with read-in isotopes. |
3 | No. |
10 | Print higher precision normal modes. |
20 | Print normal mode displacements in redundant internals. |
30 | Print both HP modes and internal displacements. |
40 | Print only intensities and not modes. |
Nxx | Default scale factor is #N (1=HF, 1/1.12, (2=CBS4=0.91671, 3=CBSQ=0.91844). |
Mxxx | If M=1, only harmonic thermochemistry. If M=2, do hindered rotor analysis. If M=3, Read hindered rotor parameters from input. |
Lxxxx | L=1 diagonalize full NAt32 force constant matrix and print low modes, unless there are frozen atoms. L=2 do not diagonalize full FC matrix. |
Kxxxxx | K=1 print eigenvalues of FC matrices. K=2 also read file names and dump mass-weighted FC matrices (full and projected) to disk. |
Jxxxxxx | J=1 print normal-mode derivatives. |
Whether to rotate derivatives back to the z-matrix orientation.
0 | Yes. |
1 | No. |
Whether to rotate and process derivative properties.
00 | Default (yes). |
10 | Yes. |
20 | No. |
First/second derivative control.
0 | Do only first derivatives. |
1 | Do only second derivatives. |
2 | Do both. |
Control of integral derivative algorithm.
0 | Default; use IsAlg to decide. |
2 | Scalar Rys SPDF. |
3 | Berny SP, Scalar Rys DF. |
4 | Old vector Rys SPDF (obsolete). |
5 | Berny SP, old vector Rys DF (obsolete). |
6 | FoFJK: Rys spdf (obsolete). |
7 | Berny SP, FoFJK Rys df (obsolete). |
8 | FoFJK: HGP sp, Rys df (obsolete). |
9 | Berny SP, FoFJK Rys df (same as 7). |
10 | FoFJK: HGP spd, Rys f (obsolete). |
11 | Berny SP, FoFJK HGP d Rys f (obsolete). |
12 | FoFJK: HGP spdf. |
13 | Berny SP, FoFJK HGP df (obsolete). |
14 | FoFJK: PRISM spdf. |
15 | FoFJK: Berny SP, PRISM df (obsolete). |
Selection of density matrix.
0 | Usual SCF density. |
N | Use generalized density number N for both the one-electron integral derivatives and the corresponding 2PDM terms. |
Contraction with two-particle density matrices.
0 | Default (same as 1). |
1 | Use HF 2PDM. |
2 | Use external 2PDM. |
3 | Use both HF and external 2PDM. |
4 | Generate 2PDM from CIS/TD square 1PDM (for debugging) |
5 | Generate 2PDM from CIS/TD square 1PDM and use HF/Z 2PDM as well. |
6 | Contract with external 2PDM derivatives. The types of derivatives are given by IOp(7/15). |
7 | Form derivative 2PDM from CIS and HF deriv. dens. matrices. IOp(7/15) gives types of derives. |
8 | Do TDA/TDnon-adiabatic coupling in addition to forces. Uses generaized density, does not compute ground-state or T*T force terms, and does the half-overlap term in L701. |
9 | Do only TDA/TD non-adiabatic coupling. |
1xx | Leave the external 2PDM on the disk instead of deleting it. |
2-5, 8 imply use of the generalized density in L701, while 6-7 imply use of gen. density derivatives in L701.
State for CIS/TD derivatives; gradients. Defaults to 1.
The nature of the perturbation(s).
0 | Default (1st order nuclear and electric field). |
IJK | Nuclear Kth order. Electric field Jth order. Magnetic field Ith order. |
1000 | Generate simulated density derivatives. |
Only 1, 10, and 11 are valid in overlay 7 (I is used in other overlays).
Number of translations and rotations to remove during redundant coordinate transformations.
-2 | 0. |
-1 | Normal (6 or 5 for linear molecules). |
0 | Default, same as -1. |
N | N. |
Derivative accuracy option.
0 | Compute to 10-8 accuracy. |
1 | Do as accurately as possible in L702. |
2 | Use the original ‘BERNY’ values in L702. |
10 | Do as accurately as possible in L703. |
20 | Use sleazier cutoffs in L703. |
100 | Do as accurately as possible in L708. |
200 | Use sleazier cutoffs in L708. |
L703: Sets ICntrl for DFT.
0 | Default based on job. |
20000 | Added to default to use DBF logic for spherical atoms. |
N | Use N+100/200 for 2nd/1st derivatives. |
Type of derivatives available.
0 | First. |
1 | Second. |
2 | Third. |
10 | Read derivatives from checkpoint file (in input orientation). |
20 | Read almost all derivatives from chk file (in the input orientation), except take fd tensor derivatives from the rwf in the standard orientation. For the second step of Raman/ROA using mixed basis sets. |
30 | Same as 10, but set up for anharmonic differentiation. |
40 | Same as 30, but after VibFrq store derivs from chk file in file IOCPFX and leave derivs from the current job in the standard places. |
100 | 3rd derivatives, DEDerv, D2FDPrp, DMag are Cartesian (numerical) derivatives (default). |
200 | 3rd derivatives, DEDerv, D2FDPrp, DMag are normal-mode (numerical) derivatives. |
L703: Skip option to defer integral evaluation.
0 | Default (1). |
1 | Compute as normal. |
2 | Do all gradient integrals in L703. |
L716: Mode of use.
0 | Normal, same as 2. |
1 | Normal + Generate estimated initial force constants. |
2 | Normal. |
6 | Nuclear repulsion only (useful for testing). |
Use of symmetry in overlay 7.
0 | Use (subject to availability). |
1 | Don’t use. |
Handling of forces contributions.
0 | Just use the forces in IRWFX. |
1 | Compute HF forces from D2E file & incr. both FX and FXYZ (non-O11 PSCF grad & HF freq). |
00 | Use FX in conversion of force constants to internal coordinates (HF freq, PSCF Freq=Numer). |
10 | Use FXYZ in conversion of forces constants to internal cords (PSCF opt with HF 2nd deriv). |
Punch option.
0 | None. |
1 | Punch energy in format D24.16, forces and lower triangular force constants in format 6F12.8. |
2 | Punch nuclear coordinate derivatives. Forces are punched in 3D20.12 format, one card per atom. Force constants and third derivatives are punched in 4E20.12 format in compressed form. |
3 | Punch energy, coordinates, and derivatives in Cartesians and redundant internals. |
4 | Punch energy, coordinates, and derivatives in redundant internals only in compressed form. |
5 | Punch energy, first and second derivatives in both Cartesian and internal coordinates. |
1x | Do punch only if second derivatives are available. |
0 | Use SCF total density. |
N | Use generalized density N. |
Handling of an applied electric field.
-1 | Do not add electric field terms to forces. |
0 | Update forces for a uniform electric field. |
1 | Update forces for the self-consistent reaction field (SCRF) method. |
2 | Update forces for a uniform electric field, with forces done the usual way for CIS or MP2 2nd derivatives. |
Controlling the projection of the reaction path.
0 | Do not project. The point is a stationary point. |
1 | Project the reaction path and compute 3N-7 frequencies. |
2 | Project using the Newton-Raphson step. |
3 | Project using forces if the RMS force is larger than 1.d-3 atomic mass units. |
4 | Conical intersection seam, state 2. |
5 | Conical intersection seam, state 1. |
6 | Conical intersection seam, final processing. |
Override standard values of IRadAn, IRanWt, and IRanGd.
Whether to do FMM.
0 | Use global default. |
1 | Turn off FMM here regardless. |
2 | Turn on FMM here if it is on elsewhere. |
3 | Turn on FMM here regardless. |
100 | Turn off FoFCou as well as FMM. |
Type of simulated spectrum in output.
0 | Default (1). |
1 | Lines. |
2 | Lorentzians. |
3 | Both. |
Harmonic constraints with respect to initial structure during geometry optimization.
-1 | No. |
0 | Default (Yes, if ref structure is present and has non-zero force constants). |
1 | Yes. |
Do vibro-rotational analysis.
0 | Default (No). |
1 | Yes. |
2 | No. |
Do vibrational 2nd order perturbation.
0 | No. |
1 | Yes. |
2 | Yes, initial point. |
10 | Do FC. |
20 | Do FCHT. |
30 | Do HT. |
100 | Do emission rather than absorption. |
Read additional parameters for anharmonic computations.
0 | No. |
1 | Yes. |
2 | Read an input section specifying the normal modes to consider in the anharmonic calculation. |
3 | Read both. |
Non-equilibrium PCM gradients.
0 | No. |
1 | Yes. |
Threshold for printing redundant internal contributions to normal mode displacements.
0 | Default (10%). |
N | 10-N. |
-1 | Zero (all printed). |
The threshold is automatically lowered for each mode until 90% of the absolute displacements are included.
L703: Override use of FoFCou.
-1 | Same default choice as the rest of the program. |
0 | Defaults to 1. |
1 | Force FoFCou. |
2 | Prohibit FoFCou. |
Debugging options for DBFs.
0 | Normal processing. |
1 | Omit subtraction and do P(Fit)*Jx*P. |
2 | Copy fit density over real density and do P(Fit)*Jx*P(Fit). |
3 | Turn off 1c logic for 1c DBF case. |
4 | Clear real density and do -1/2 P(Fit)*Jx*P(Fit). |
Accuracy in FoFJK/CalDSu.
0 | Default, 10-10 for molecules, 10-12 for PBC. |
N | 10-N. |
Compression of output force constants.
4 | Force constants are stored over active atoms only. |
≠ 4 | All other values mean full storage here (default). |
IDoV for Harris gradient.
0 | Default (1). |
Vibrational analysis for large systems.
0 | Do regular vibrational analysis. |
-1 | Do full analysis, but exclude frozen atoms. |
-2 | Do full analysis, but exclude frozen atoms, and only print the non-frozen atoms. |
N | Compute N lowest modes. |
Selection of particular normal modes for analysis.
0 | Default (1). |
1 | Show all normal modes. |
2 | Read input specifying how to select modes. |
3 | Show all modes, sorted by layer. |
4 | Show all modes which are primarily on the smallest model system. |
5 | Show all modes which are primarily on either model system in a 3-layer ONIOM. |
Whether to save normal modes and intensities on disk, or read them from disk.
0 | Default (save unless reading). |
1 | Save. |
2 | Don’t Save. |
3 | Save selected modes. |
00 | Default (don’t read). |
10 | Read. |
20 | Don’t Read. |
Whether to zero out derivatives with respect to frozen atoms.
0 | Default (1). |
1 | Yes. |
2 | No. |
3 | Check ICNUse. |
Control of FMM for nuclear repulsion.
0 | Default: Use for 5K or more atoms. |
N | Use for N or more atoms. |
-1 | Always use FMM. |
-2 | Never use FMM. |
Store nuclear repulsion energy as total energy?
0 | Default (No). |
1 | Yes. |
Read additional parameters for FCHT calculations:
0 | No. |
1 | Yes. |
2 | Read an input section specifying the normal modes to consider in the anharmonic calculation. |
3 | Read both. |
Generation of G- in L716. (IAprBG in Red2BG).
Print partitioning of ONIOM vibrational frequencies into contributions from individual sub-calculations. see Vreven et al. JCTC, 2012, DOI: 10.1021/ct300612m
0 | Don’t do ONIOM frequency analysis. |
1 | Do ONIOM frequency analysis. |
Reserved for options for VibRot.
Mode of operation of L717:
0 | Default (1). |
1 | GDV defaults. |
2 | Pisa defaults. |
Type of overlay 7, for printing:
0 | Default (1). |
1 | Normal derivative calculation. |
2 | Process integrated ONIOM or counterpoise derivatives. |
Last updated on: 21 October 2016. [G16 Rev. C.01]