Overlay 2
Printing of distance and angle matrices.
0 | Default: print if ≤50 atoms. |
1 | Do not print the distance matrix. |
2 | Print distance matrix. |
00 | Default: do not print. |
10 | Do not print the angle matrix. |
20 | Print the angle matrix, using z-matrix connectivity if possible. |
30 | Use cutoffs instead of the z-matrix for determining which angles to print. |
000 | Default: same as 100. |
100 | Do not print dihedral angles. |
200 | Print dihedral angles, using the z-matrix for connectivity info. |
300 | Print dihedral angles, using a distance cutoff for connectivity info. |
0000 | Default: print only for small cases. |
1000 | Do not print the Cartesian coordinates in the input orientation. |
2000 | Do print the Cartesian coordinates in the input orientation. |
Tetrahedral angle fixing
0 | Default (don’t test). |
1 | Angles within 0.001 degree of 109.471 will be set to ACOS(-1/3). |
2 | Do not test for such angles. |
Printing of z-matrix and resultant coordinates.
0 | Default (print if 50 atoms or less). |
1 | Print. |
2 | Don’t print. |
Crowding abort control.
0 | Default (same as 1). |
1 | Abort the run for zero atomic distances only. |
2 | Abort the run if any atoms are within 0.5 Å. |
3 | Do not abort the run regardless of 0 distances. |
Punch coordinates.
0 | No. |
1 | Yes, in ‘atoms’ format (3E20.12). Note: atoms will not take the atomic numbers, so they are not punched. |
2 | Yes, in format suitable for coord. input to Gaussian. The atomic numbers and coordinates are punched in (I2,3E20.12). |
Internal coordinate linear independence.
0 | Default (same as 2). |
1 | Perform the test, but do not abort the job. |
2 | Do not perform the test. |
3 | If internal cords. are in use, test the variables for linear indep, and abort the job if they’re dep. |
10 | Compute nuclear forces as well as second derivatives for the test. This is not correct for the linear independence check, but is useful for debugging the derivative transformation routines. |
100 | Abort the job if the number of z-matrix variables is not exactly the number of degrees of freedom (i.e., this is not a full optimization). |
Symmetry control.
-1 | Turns on symmetry; same as 0 for molecules but turns on assignment of space group operations for PBC. |
0 | Leave symmetry in whatever state it is presently in. |
1 | Unconditionally turn symmetry off. Note that symmetry is still called, and will determine the framework group. However, the molecule is not oriented. |
2 | Bring the molecule to a symmetry orientation, but then disable further use of symmetry. |
3 | Don’t even call Symm. |
4 | Call Symm once with loose cutoffs, symmetrize the resulting coordinates then confirm symmetry with tight cutoffs. |
5 | Recover the previous symmetry operations from the RWF, and confirm that the new structure has the same symmetry. |
6 | Same as 5, but get symmetry info from the checkpoint. |
00 | Default (10). |
10 | Do re-orientation for PBC. |
20 | Suppress re-orientation for PBC. |
100 | Turn on symmetry operations for PBC. |
Action taken if the point group changes during an optimization.
0 | Default (3). |
1 | Keep going. |
2 | Keep going, and leave symmetry on, using the old symmetry. |
3 | Keep going, and leave symmetry on, using the new symmetry. |
4 | Abort the job. |
Tolerance for distance comparisons in symmetry determination.
0 | Default (determined in the symmetry package, currently 1.d-8). |
N>0 | 10-N. |
N<0 | 10N, use same tolerance for orientation. |
Tolerance for non-distance comparisons in symmetry determination.
0 | Default (determined in the symmetry package, currently 1.d-7). |
N>0 | 10-N. |
N<0 | 10N, use same tolerance for orientation. |
Largest allowed point group, as Hollerith string.
Number (1-3 for X-Z) of axis to help specify which subgroup of the type specified in IOp(2/19) to use.
Atomic values to use in symmetry assignment/orientation.
0 | Default (221). |
1 | Atomic numbers. |
2 | Atomic masses. |
10 | Print symmetry coordinates to high precision. |
20 | Do not print symmetry coordinates to high precision. |
100 | Save standard orientation as input orientation. |
200 | Do not save standard orientation as input orientation. |
Update of coordinates from current z-matrix.
0 | Default (1). |
1 | No. |
2 | Yes, but remove z-matrix. |
3 | Yes. |
Read in vector of atom types (for debugging).
0 | No |
1 | Yes, format (50I2) |
Save (initial) structure and possible constraints in RWF 698.
0 | Default (No). |
1 | Yes. |
2 | Pick up structure from RWF 698 on the checkpoint file. |
3 | Read in structure from input stream. |
Force constants for harmonic constraints.
-2 | Read in force constants for each Cartesian coordinate. |
-1 | No constraints. |
0 | Default (no constraint unless reading constraint from checkpoint file). |
N | N/106 Hartree/Bohr2. |
Count nearest neighbor interactions.
0 | No. |
N | Count atoms within N/100 Å as neighbors. |
Print standard orientation to high precision.
0 | No. |
1 | Yes. |
Control for symmetry package.
00 | Default (12, unless COM was specified, in which case 21). |
1 | Initially. |
2 | Do not rotate to principal axes. |
10 | Rotate to old axes for C1, Cs, and Ci. |
20 | Use principal axes for C1, Cs, and Ci. |
Last updated on: 21 October 2016. [G16 Rev. C.01]