Business Project Manager, Software Licensing Specialist Key Responsibilities Duties include all aspects of software licensing and customer service. Biographical Information Joanne holds a B.A. in English from Vassar College. Prior to working for Gaussian, Joanne held...

Customer Service Manager Key Responsibilities Duties include supervising the customer service staff, processing and tracking orders in response to customers’ inquiries, and related order-fulfillment and shipping tasks. Biographical Information Prior to working...

Customer Service Associate Key Responsibilities Duties include processing and tracking orders in response to customers’ inquiries, and related order-fulfillment and shipping tasks. Biographical Information Monica has 12 years of experience doing inside sales and...

Mike Frisch

AboutSelected Publications Email President of Gaussian, Inc. Ph.D., Carnegie-Mellon University Summer graduate research, Sandia National Laboratory Miller Post-Doctoral Fellowship, University of California Research Interests Extension of ab initio methods to condensed...

Jim Hess

Email Operations Manager, Gaussian, Inc. Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, Lehigh University MBA, Quinnipiac University Research Interests Homogeneous catalysis Surface chemistry Last update: 30 August 2016

Ivan Carnimeo

AboutSelected Publications Email Post Doc, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (Italy) Ph.D., Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa Research Interests Development of multiscale approaches for computational spectroscopy V. Barone, I. Carnimeo and G. Scalmani,...